Jonathan Hansen Email
Telephone: +61 7 3362 0168
Facsimile: +61 7 3362 0101

Please contact Jonathan Hansen for more information and a complete list of publications.

 Knaapila A, Tuorila H, Silventoinen K, Wright MJ, Kyvik KO, Cherkas LF, Keskitalo K, Hansen JL, Martin NG, Spector TD, Kaprio J, Perola M: Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Perceived Intensity and Pleasantness of Androstenone Odor: An International Twin Study. Chemosensory Perception 1:34-42, 2008 [PDF]
 Knaapila A, Tuorila H, Kyvik KO, Wright MJ, Keskitalo K, Hansen J, Kaprio J, Perola M, Silventoinen K: Self-ratings of olfactory function reflect odor annoyance rather than olfactory acuity. The Laryngoscope 118(12):2212-2217, 2008 [PDF unavailable] [PubMed] [More...]
 Knaapila A, Tuorila H, Silventoinen K, Wright MJ, Kyvik KO, Keskitalo K, Hansen J, Kaprio J, Perola M: Environmental effects exceed genetic effects on perceived intensity and pleasantness of several odors: a three-population twin study. Behavior Genetics 38(5):484-492, 2008 [PDF unavailable] [PubMed] [More...]
 Zietsch BP, Hansen JL, Hansell NK, Geffen GM, Martin NG, Wright MJ: Common and specific genetic influences on EEG power bands delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Biological Psychology 75(2):154-164, 2007 [PDF] [PubMed] [More...]
 Wise PM, Hansen JL, Reed DR, Breslin PA: Twin study of the heritability of recognition thresholds for sour and salty taste. Chemical Senses 32(8):749-754, 2007 [PDF unavailable] [PubMed] [More...]
 Hansen JL, Reed DR, Wright MJ, Martin NG, Breslin PA: Heritability and genetic covariation of sensitivity to PROP, SOA, quinine HCl, and caffeine. Chemical Senses 31(5):403-413, 2006 [PDF] [PubMed] [More...]