Sib-pair Command: show map

Nameshow map
Arguments[<loc1> [-- | to <loc2> ... <locN>]
position <map_pos1> [-- | to] [<map_pos2> ...]

Shows the current marker map. A subset of loci can be referred to by their names, a range of names, an index in the list of loci (1..N), or range of indices. A range may be open ended, in which case it extends to the end of the list of loci.

The position modifier allows subsetting by a range of map positions. Map positions take the form <chr>:<coordinate> or chrXX <coordinate>. If a chromosome is not specified for a given map position, then the chromosome for the previous map position is used. A map interval may be open ended, in which case it extends to the end of the chromosome.


>> show map 

User specified marker map:

Marker                Pos (cM )    Theta   Chrom
----------------    ------------   -----   -----
D16S769                53.713000   0.001     16   26066263 (chr 16)
D16S3145               55.012000   0.013     16   26784604 (chr 16)
D16S753                60.125000   0.049     16   31181005 (chr 16)
D16S409                60.998000   0.009     16   47333369 (chr 16)
D16S411                62.226000   0.012     16   48294236 (chr 16)
D16S419                67.694000   0.052     16   51510863 (chr 16)
D16S415                69.148000   0.014     16   52228236 (chr 16)
D16S771                70.852000   0.017     16   53066505 (chr 16)

>> show map pos chr16 60 -- 68 70 --
>> show map 4 -- 7 9

[Both give:]

User specified marker map:

Marker                Pos (cM )    Theta   Chrom
----------------    ------------   -----   -----
D16S753                60.125000   0.001     16   31181005 (chr 16)
D16S409                60.998000   0.009     16   47333369 (chr 16)
D16S411                62.226000   0.012     16   48294236 (chr 16)
D16S419                67.694000   0.052     16   51510863 (chr 16)
D16S771                70.852000   0.031     16   53066505 (chr 16)

See also:

read map <fil> read map, guessing format
set distances <dis12> <dis23>...<disN-1N> set marker map
set map <pos1>...<posN> set marker map

<< (show ids)Up to index>> (show macros)