Sib-pair Command: set ibd

Nameset ibd
Arguments [<maximum map distance> [<maximum number of markers per clump>]]

Controls the maximum distance along a set of markers to be automatically combined for multipoint ibd estimation by the qtlpair command. Defaults to 0.1 cM. If a second argument is given, this limits the maximum number of markers in a set (default is the hard coded maximum of 10).


>> set ibd

NOTE:  Multipoint IBD estimation is carried out using sets 
       of up to 10 adjacent markers separated by <=  0.100 cM.

>> set ibd 0.5

NOTE:  Multipoint IBD estimation is carried out using sets 
       of up to 10 adjacent markers separated by <=  0.500 cM.

See also:

qtlpairsibs or pedigree VC linkage

<< (set tdt)Up to index>> (set model)