Sib-pair Command: clreg

ClassAnalysis and data manipulation command
Arguments <ytrait> = <x1>...[to]... <xN> [ped|stratum <stratum_indicator>]

Performs conditional logistic regression of trait ytrait on set of loci x1...xN. If an x variable is a marker genotype, that independent variable is the mean allele size in the genotype, with the exception of the first marker locus encountered in the list, which is fully allelic effect coded. The default stratification is on sibship, but the addition of the ped keyword gives an analysis stratified on pedigree, while a categories of a specified variable are used if the stratum keyword is used.

The models are fitted using AS 162 [Smith 1981].


#  Matched case-control study data from
#  Trichopoulos et al. (1976) Br J Obs Gynaec 83: 645-650.
# Results from R clogit() function
#              coef exp(coef) se(coef)    z       p
#  spontaneous 1.99      7.29    0.352 5.63 1.8e-08
#  induced     1.41      4.09    0.361 3.91 9.4e-05
#  Likelihood ratio test=53.1  on 2 df, p=2.87e-12  n= 248

>> clr case = spontaneous induced

 Conditional logistic regression analysis of trait "case"

Stratum variable: Sibship

    Variable         Beta    Stand Error        t-Value
  spontaneou       1.9859         0.3524         5.6346 ***
  induced          1.4090         0.3607         3.9062 ***

No. usable observations =    248 (100.0%)
    Number of affecteds =     83
  Number of unaffecteds =    165 (1 : 2.0)
       Number of strata =     83
       Conditional LRTS =     53.15
     Degrees of freedom =      2
     Asymptotic P-value =    0.2869E-11
             Score test =     48.44     (P=0.0000)

See also:

regress Logistic regression
sdt sibship disequilibrium test

<< (regress)Up to index>> (mixture)