The compressed files below contain summary statistics for the hematology GWAS reported in Ferreira et al 2009 (PMID 19853236). Please refer to this publication for details on the sample used, analysis methods, etc. If you use results included in file below in your study, please cite PMID 19853236.

Files are compressed and ~25 Mb each.

Phenotype File name
Red Blood Cell counts RBC.assoc.gz
Total blood hemoglobin HB.assoc.gz
Hematocrit HT.assoc.gz
Mean erythrocyte Cell volume MCV.assoc.gz
Mean Corposcular Hemoglobin MCH.assoc.gz
Mean Corposcular Hemoglobin Concentration MCHC.assoc.gz
Platelet counts PLT.assoc.gz
White Blood Cell counts WBC.assoc.gz
Neutrophil counts NEUT.assoc.gz
Lymphocyte counts LYMPH.assoc.gz
Monocyte counts MONO.assoc.gz
Eosinophil counts EOS.assoc.gz
Basophil counts BASO.assoc.gz

Summary statistics are also provided for a GWAS of five lymphocyte subsets reported in Ferreira et al 2010 (PMID 20045101). Please refer to this publication for details on the sample used, analysis methods, etc. If you use results included in file below in your study, please cite PMID 20045101.

Phenotype File name
CD3+ T cell levels CD3.assoc.gz
CD4+ T cell levels CD4.assoc.gz
CD8+ T cell levels CD8.assoc.gz
CD4:CD8 lymphocyte ratio CD4_8.assoc.gz
CD19+ B cell levels CD19.assoc.gz
CD56+ NK cell levels CD56.assoc.gz

Summary statistics are provided below for our 2017 GWAS of allergic disease reported in (Nature Genetics). Please refer to this publication for details on the sample used, analysis methods, etc. The file below includes results for the meta-analysis of 12 (out of 13) contributing studies - it does not include the 23andMe study; largest sample size per SNP is N=242,569. There are 8,307,659 SNPs. Prior to the meta-analysis, association results for each study were adjusted for the respective LD-score regression intercept. The LD-score intercept of the 12-study meta-analysis was 1.022; association results in the file below have NOT been adjusted for this LD-score intercept.

Phenotype File name
GWAS of allergic disease SHARE-without23andMe.LDSCORE-GC.SE-META.v0.gz

Summary statistics are provided below for our 2019 GWAS of childhood- (13,962 cases and 300,671 controls) and adult-onset (26,582 cases and 300,671controls) asthma, which we reported in a paper recently accepted for publication (details soon).

Phenotype File name
Childhood-onset asthma CHILD_ONSET_ASTHMA.20180501.allchr.assoc.GC.gz
Adult-onset asthma ADULT1_ADULT2_ONSET_ASTHMA.20180716.allchr.assoc.GC.gz

Summary statistics for other GWAS are available for download upon request (