Sib-pair Command: kaplan-meier

ClassAnalysis and data manipulation command
Arguments <age-at-onset> <censor> [residuals]

Prints the product-limit estimator for the survivor function for the quantitative trait age-at-onset, where censor is the binary outcome trait, which is affected when age-at-onset represents the age at which the individual first expressed the trait. The age-at-onset is replaced by a nonparametric residual when requested. If affected, this is:
If unaffected:
where H(t) is the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the integrated hazard function at that age t.


>> include
>> kaplan-meier onset ad

Kaplan-Meier survivor function for "onset"
"ad" is outcome (censoring) trait.

 Age-at-onset   Failed  Riskset   H(t)   S(t)    ase
      52.0000        1      108 0.0093 0.9907 0.0092
      57.0000        1       95 0.0198 0.9803 0.0138
      58.0000        1       92 0.0307 0.9697 0.0173
      59.0000        1       91 0.0416 0.9590 0.0201
      60.0000        4       88 0.0871 0.9154 0.0287
      61.0000        2       81 0.1118 0.8928 0.0321
      62.0000        1       76 0.1249 0.8811 0.0338
      65.0000        5       71 0.1954 0.8190 0.0412
      67.0000        4       64 0.2579 0.7678 0.0459
      68.0000        1       56 0.2757 0.7541 0.0471
      69.0000        3       55 0.3303 0.7130 0.0502
      70.0000        4       49 0.4119 0.6548 0.0539
      72.0000        5       36 0.5508 0.5638 0.0598
      73.0000        1       29 0.5853 0.5444 0.0608
      76.0000        5       23 0.8027 0.4260 0.0668
      79.0000        2       15 0.9360 0.3692 0.0689
      80.0000        1       12 1.0193 0.3385 0.0697
      83.0000        1        7 1.1622 0.2901 0.0746

 H(t) = Nelson-Aalen estimator of integrated hazard
 S(t) = Kaplan-Meier estimator of survivor function

   43 affecteds and   119 unaffecteds used

<< (impute)Up to index>> (rank)