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Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behaviour.
Age at first sexual intercourse and age at first birth have implications for health and evolutionary fitness. In this genome-wide association study (age at first sexual intercourse, N = 387,338; age at first birth, N = 542,901), we identify 371 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, 11 sex-specific, with a 5-6% polygenic score prediction. Heritability of age at first birth shifted from 9% [CI = 4-14%] for women born in 1940 to 22% [CI = 19-25%] for those born in 1965. Signals are driven by the genetics of reproductive biology and externalising behaviour, with key genes related to follicle stimulating hormone (FSHB), implantation (ESR1), infertility and spermatid differentiation. Our findings suggest that polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to later age at first birth, linking with infertility. Late age at first birth is associated with parental longevity and reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Higher childhood socioeconomic circumstances and those in the highest polygenic score decile (90%+) experience markedly later reproductive onset. Results are relevant for improving teenage and late-life health, understanding longevity and guiding experimentation into mechanisms of infertility.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
2021 Jul 01
received 2020/06/05
accepted 2021/05/14
pubmed 2021/07/03 06:00
medline 2021/07/03 06:00
entrez 2021/07/02 06:30
Mills MC Mills Melinda C MC Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Tropf FC Tropf Felix C FC Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, France.
Brazel DM Brazel David M DM Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
van Zuydam N van Zuydam Natalie N The Beijer Laboratory and Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University and SciLifeLab, Uppsala, Sweden.
Vaez A Vaez Ahmad A Department of Bioinformatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
eQTLGen Consortium
BIOS Consortium
Human Reproductive Behaviour Consortium
Pers TH Pers Tune H TH Department of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Snieder H Snieder Harold H Department of Epidemiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Perry JRB Perry John R B JRB MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Ong KK Ong Ken K KK MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
den Hoed M den Hoed Marcel M The Beijer Laboratory and Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University and SciLifeLab, Uppsala, Sweden.
Barban N Barban Nicola N Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Day FR Day Felix R FR MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Agbessi Mawussé M
Ahsan Habibul H
Alves Isabel I
Andiappan Anand Kumar AK
Arindrarto Wibowo W
Awadalla Philip P
Battle Alexis A
Beutner Frank F
Jan Bonder Marc M
Boomsma Dorret I DI
Christiansen Mark W MW
Claringbould Annique A
Deelen Patrick P
Esko Tõnu T
Favé Marie-Julie MJ
Franke Lude L
Frayling Timothy T
Gharib Sina A SA
Gibson Greg G
Heijmans Bastiaan T BT
Hemani Gibran G
Jansen Rick R
Kähönen Mika M
Kalnapenkis Anette A
Kasela Silva S
Kettunen Johannes J
Kim Yungil Y
Kirsten Holger H
Kovacs Peter P
Krohn Knut K
Kronberg Jaanika J
Kukushkina Viktorija V
Kutalik Zoltan Z
Lee Bernett B
Lehtimäki Terho T
Loeffler Markus M
Marigorta Urko M UM
Mei Hailang H
Milani Lili L
Montgomery Grant W GW
Müller-Nurasyid Martina M
Nauck Matthias M
Nivard Michel G MG
Penninx Brenda W J H BWJH
Perola Markus M
Pervjakova Natalia N
Pierce Brandon L BL
Powell Joseph J
Prokisch Holger H
Psaty Bruce M BM
Raitakari Olli T OT
Ripatti Samuli S
Rotzschke Olaf O
Rüeger Sina S
Saha Ashis A
Scholz Markus M
Schramm Katharina K
Seppälä Ilkka I
Slagboom Eline P EP
Stehouwer Coen D A CDA
Stumvoll Michael M
Sullivan Patrick P
't Hoen Peter A C PAC
Teumer Alexander A
Thiery Joachim J
Tong Lin L
Tönjes Anke A
van Dongen Jenny J
van Iterson Maarten M
van Meurs Joyce J
Veldink Jan H JH
Verlouw Joost J
Visscher Peter M PM
Völker Uwe U
Võsa Urmo U
Westra Harm-Jan HJ
Wijmenga Cisca C
Yaghootkar Hanieh H
Yang Jian J
Zeng Biao B
Zhang Futao F
Heijmans Bastiaan T BT
't Hoen Peter A C PAC
van Meurs Joyce J
Isaacs Aaron A
Jansen Rick R
Franke Lude L
Boomsma Dorret I DI
Pool René R
van Dongen Jenny J
Jan Hottenga Jouke J
van Greevenbroek Marleen M J MMJ
Stehouwer Coen D A CDA
van der Kallen Carla J H CJH
Schalkwijk Casper G CG
Wijmenga Cisca C
Franke Lude L
Zhernakova Sasha S
Tigchelaar Ettje F EF
Slagboom Eline P EP
Beekman Marian M
Deelen Joris J
van Heemst Diana D
Veldink Jan H JH
van den Berg Leonard H LH
van Duijn Cornelia M CM
Hofman Bert A BA
Isaacs Aaron A
Uitterlinden André G AG
van Meurs Joyce J
Jhamai P Mila PM
Verbiest Michael M
Suchiman H Eka D HED
Verkerk Marijn M
van der Breggen Ruud R
van Rooij Jeroen J
Lakenberg Nico N
Mei Hailiang H
van Iterson Maarten M
van Galen Michiel M
Bot Jan J
Zhernakova Dasha V DV
Jansen Rick R
van 't Hof Peter P
Deelen Patrick P
Nooren Irene I
't Hoen Peter A C PAC
Heijmans Bastiaan T BT
Moed Matthijs M
Franke Lude L
Vermaat Martijn M
Zhernakova Dasha V DV
Luijk René R
Jan Bonder Marc M
van Iterson Maarten M
Deelen Patrick P
van Dijk Freerk F
van Galen Michiel M
Arindrarto Wibowo W
Kielbasa Szymon M SM
Swertz Morris A MA
van Zwet Erik W EW
Jansen Rick R
't Hoen Peter A C PAC
Heijmans Bastiaan T BT
Akimova Evelina T ET
Bergmann Sven S
Boardman Jason D JD
Boomsma Dorret I DI
Brumat Marco M
Buring Julie E JE
Cesarini David D
Chasman Daniel I DI
Chavarro Jorge E JE
Cocca Massimiliano M
Concas Maria Pina MP
Davey-Smith George G
Davies Gail G
Deary Ian J IJ
Esko Tõnu T
Franco Oscar O
Gaskins Audrey J AJ
de Geus Eco J C EJC
Gieger Christian C
Girotto Giorgia G
Grabe Hans Jörgen HJ
Gunderson Erica P EP
Harris Kathleen Mullan KM
Hartwig Fernando P FP
He Chunyan C
van Heemst Diana D
Hill W David WD
Homuth Georg G
Horta Bernando Lessa BL
Jan Hottenga Jouke J
Huang Hongyang H
Hyppӧnen Elina E
Ikram M Arfan MA
Jansen Rick R
Johannesson Magnus M
Kamali Zoha Z
Kavousi Maryam M
Kraft Peter P
Kühnel Brigitte B
Langenberg Claudia C
Lind Penelope A PA
Luan Jian'an J
Mägi Reedik R
Magnusson Patrik K E PKE
Mahajan Anubha A
Martin Nicholas G NG
Mbarek Hamdi H
McCarthy Mark I MI
McMahon George G
McQueen Matthew B MB
Medland Sarah E SE
Meitinger Thomas T
Metspalu Andres A
Mihailov Evelin E
Milani Lili L
Missmer Stacey A SA
Møllegaard Stine S
Mook-Kanamori Dennis O DO
Morgan Anna A
van der Most Peter J PJ
de Mutsert Renée R
Nauck Matthias M
Nolte Ilja M IM
Noordam Raymond R
Penninx Brenda W J H BWJH
Peters Annette A
Power Chris C
Redmond Paul P
Rich-Edwards Janet W JW
Ridker Paul M PM
Rietveld Cornelius A CA
Ring Susan M SM
Rose Lynda M LM
Rueedi Rico R
Stefánsson Kári K
Stöckl Doris D
Strauch Konstantin K
Swertz Morris A MA
Teumer Alexander A
Thorleifsson Gudmar G
Thorsteinsdottir Unnur U
Thurik A Roy AR
Timpson Nicholas J NJ
Turman Constance C
Uitterlinden André G AG
Waldenberger Melanie M
Wareham Nicholas J NJ
Willemsen Gonneke G
Zhao Jing Hau JH
TITLE: Nature human behaviour
YEAR: 2021
DAY: 01
ISSN: 2397-3374
ISSNTYPE: Electronic
MEDLINETA: Nat Hum Behav
COUNTRY: England
ISSNLINKING: 2397-3374
NLMUNIQUEID: 101697750
Journal Article
ErratumIn Nat Hum Behav. 2021 Jul 28;: 34321615
615603 EC | EC Seventh Framework Programm | FP7 Ideas: European Research Council (FP7-IDEAS-ERC - Specific Programme: "Ideas" Implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007 to 2013))
835079 EC | EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation H2020 | H2020 Priority Excellent Science | H2020 European Research Council (H2020 Excellent Science - European Research Council)
ES/N011856/1 RCUK | Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Centre for Demographic Science Leverhulme Trust
Centre Demographic Science Leverhulme Trust