Changes and Clarifications
20060618 Belatedly, added in Oxford LD-based genetic map positions.  File is
         now rather large, as it includes the Affy 100K SNPs.  End of
         chromosome 1 fixed (extrapolation for last two markers very poor).

20051010 Added D6S226 D6S224, D6S225, D6S1848, D6S220, at request of Jo Steele.
         D6S224 seems to be a cryptic duplicate (nested primers) of D6S1717,
         but given separate entry.

20050607 Blasted GATA156F11 and D19S1179.

20050517 Finished including Build 35.1 physical positions, and reinterpolated
         linkage map.  A few markers moved compared to previous
         positions: large changes reflected the absence of information
         about  D2S2738, D9S1844, D9S19, UT792 (primers map to 3p,
         linkage map to 9), AAT251, where the physical position is
         inferred solely based on Marshfield map position.  There were
         126 local flips of order, usually between adjacent markers.

         D17S793 duplication due to existence of 165xd4 and 165xd4A - latter
         is different marker.  D2S1240 moved back to chromosome 2, and
         D14S780 moved back to chromosome 14, after visits to 21 and 22
         respectively, based on Build 34.3 sequence data.

20050421 Started collating Build 35.1 physical positions: no great surprises,
         save chromosome 17 where positions for D17S126-D17S928 all shifted
         2-3 Mbp, X (and Y).  Ordering not greatly affected.

20050420 Nievergelt et al placed D5S1454 (ATA4F06) on chromosome 4 based
         on BLAST search.  This marker is not placed on the most recent builds,
         and our linkage data confirms it at its Marshfield position on
         chromosome 5 (between D5S433 and D5S2501). So inserted at
         107100000 bp on chromosome 5, 116.7 Rutger cM from pter.

20050210 Harry Beeby points out some duplications still left after merging in
         of Rutgers map:

         Common Name     Alias1          Alias2
         -----------     ------          ------
         ATA10H11        D3S2409         D3S2384
         ATA28C05        ATA28C05        DXS6795
         ATA31E12        ATA31E12        DXS7126        
         D12S1091        D12S1091        D12S1075
         D12S1341        D12S1341        D12S1330
         D19S178         .               .       
         D19S393         D19S543         .      
         D2S1337         D2S406          .      
         D2S2735         .               .      
         DXS6792         D5S2796         .       (on chr 5 at 65234477 bp)
         GATA109         D1S1585         D1S1728
         GATA112F02      D6S1270         D6S1045
         GATA119B03      D7S2200         D7S3047
         GATA186D06      DXS9907         .
         GATA31E08       D3S2390         .       (chromos different 3, X; dropped 3)
         GATA43F06       D2S1370         D3S2442 (SEE BELOW)
         GATA62F03       D9S2169         D4S2624
         GATA66B04       D19S714         D19S588
         GATA8B01        D20S201         .
         GGAT3F08        DXS9900         DXS6814 (pseudoautosomal map)

         I have fixed these except where there are four _good_ aliases,
         where I left the duplicates adjacent on the map.

20050204 How many mistakes are left to be made?  Added extrapolation
         of genetic map outside included markers (20050124), which was
         not good on the acrocentric chromosomes.  Reverted to original
         assumption that marker coverage complete.

20050124 Moved GATA164A09 to correct location at 118 Mbp on X.  Replaced
         some pseudoautosomal markers physical positions with 
         their Build 35 positions (so as to coordinate with recently
         BLASTed new markers).

20050124 Thomas Wienker has suggested that sex-averaged distances for X are
         hard to interpret outside the pseudoautosomal regions.  The I.cM now
         are female cM for X.  A separate file pseudoautosomal_map.dat
         contains a map of pseudoautosomal markers.  Added a few Xpter markers
         notably TELA, DXYS201, DXYS218. 

20041118 SCA10 is at 44511678 bp on  Build 35.1, while D22S532 is at 44443698 bp
         D22S1160 44749701.  Merged in Rutgers map, which includes a number of 
         SNPs (TSC mapping set).  This entails addition of 3 fields for
         the sex-averaged and sex-specific linkage map positions from 
         that pooled data analysis (Kong et al 2004).  The interpolated
         map position is now in Rutger cM.

         There are a few inconsistent positions (1% discrepancy):

         name1    name2      name3    chr Our.pos  Rutgers.pos
         D16S3027 AFMa154wc9 D16S2622 16  3864420  4051157  
         D18S1356 ATA33B11   .        18  42793019 45581487 
         D9S1844  AFMb321zf1 .        9   42528253 43656049 
         D3S4557         .        3   473473   456628   
         D6S2441  ATA50H07   .        6   27737689 26007311 

         And PI microsatellite has been placed on chr 14 with the gene.  

20041111 A few duplications persist (Scott Gordon has pointed these out),
         Some of these may represent known segmental duplications (duplicons):

         D17S793 is given at 15.379 Mbp and 18.653 Mbp on Ensembl and NCBI, 
         and is not included on the Kong et al map. On 17p12, the
         Smith-Magenis syndrome/dup(1)(p11.2-p11.2) duplication is
         18.524-18.677 Mbp and 20.345-20.492 Mbp

         D7S804 was resolved using the Build 35.1 positioning, and noting that
         D7S805 is an alias.

         There are remaining cases where I have left a duplication via an alias 
         in the "name3" column.  In these cases, I believe the correct position
         is that given where that name appears as "name1": 
         D22S427, D11S1883, GATA43F06 (see below), D4S393, D4S409.

20041101 Compared map to that of Kong et al 2004 (14759 markers), 
         which lists many marker duplications and unmappable markers.
         Added in additional chromosome 11p markers from Sequana
         Therapeutics fine map of that region.
         Notable changes (added aliases were not previously present in master map):
         D6S1270 duplicates D6S1045 (have same pos in master map anyway!)
         D9S2152 added as alias for D9S1116
         D10S1419 added as alias for D10S2470
         D13S784 added as alias for D13S1807
         D13S785 alias for D13S1811
         D13S789 alias for D13S1812

         D10S1218, despite being present on the original Marshfield and Decode
         maps, is identified as "unlinked to any chromosome".

         There are 73 markers present on the master map that Kong et al label
         as "physical position does not match linkage position":

         D1S1193 D1S396 D1S519 D1S2829 D1S3469 D1S179 D2S2982 D2S323
         D2S319 D2S262 D2S1251 D2S2241 D2S1776 D2S1245 D3S1211 D3S3719
         D3S4544 D4S1609 D2S2738 D4S1619 D4S1517 D4S2292 D4S2290 D4S1523
         D5S593 AC016604-5 D5S2034 D6S1689 D6S941 D6S262 D6S495 D6S1693
         D7S628 D7S460 D7S678 D7S1507 D7S2448 D7S1503 D8S1825 D9S280
         D9S779 D10S197 D10S589 D10S1141 D11S992 D11S1337 D11S1390
         D11S1284 D12S94 VWF D12S58 D12S1074 D12S63 D14S582
         D14S543 D17S663 D17S1810 D17S799 D17S968 D18S1140 D18S975
         D18S474 D18S68 D18S1374 HRC.A D21S210 D21S1913 D21S1408
         D21S1245 DXS6807 DXS1036 DXS997 DXS1049.  
         The mean absolute difference between our interpolated linkage
         map position and Kong et al is 1.1 cM.  Therefore, they have
         been left in the map file.  The Kong et al positions are very
         close to the published Marshfield positions, rather than DeCODE

20040804 Added 39 markers from Manuel Ferreira.  These include DXS6792 on chr 5
         (genotype data confirm this to be autosomal).  A number turn
         out to be "cryptic" aliases ie product of one completely contains
         that of other marker.

20040623 Have compared this map to that of Nievergelt et al 2004.  They 
         have BLASTed the markers for which we interpolated physical
         positions based on the Marshfield map.  They could not find 429
         of these.  They note more markers on chromosomes different to
         the original assignment eg UT2548 (D11S1916) seems to be on chr
         2 at 151549427; UT5086 (D19S724) on chr 1 at 1117405 and so on.
         However, I am distrustful of some of these, given that both
         DeCODE and Marshfield, for example, agree that UT924 is 
         D14S539, rather than D10S519 (as the physical maps have it).
         This gives us physical positions of an additional 1000 markers.

            name1      name2 chr chr2  build343
          D19S724     UT5086   1   19  11174025
             PLA2   SGC35515   1   12 184196629
          D20S159     UT1307   2   20 136667226
         D11S1916     UT2548   2   11 151549427
               GC          .   2    4 219331392
          D2S2394 AFMa101xg5   3    2    485608
         D10S1161     UT5819   3   10 153767481
           D9S765     UT1531   4    9  56824033
          D5S1454    ATA4F06   4    5  60766934
           UT2361          .   5    9  26276045
         D17S1288    ATA1H07   5   17  80540347
          D15S536     UT6886   5   15 110235845
          D12S814     UT5140   5   12 149902513
         D20S1142 GATA124A11   6   20   6399627
          D7S2249    D2S1249   7    2  31648936
         D21S2051 GATA116E08   8   21  36216937
           D1S460  AFM123yc5   8    1 127193369
          D8S1019      UT885   8    3 139929949
          D14S539      UT924  10   14  29105585
           FB7F11   WI-14125  10   18  67309958
         D11S1914     UT1607  11   12  28923393
          D18S966   ATA37G10  11    8  43770130
          D15S529      UT935  15   12  51424156
          D14S779     UT1888  16   14   3403730
            UT556          .  16   21  35082119
           UT1598          .  16   17  51240316
             UT18          .  17    2    120515
               PI          .  18   14   5534609
          D8S1013     UT5182  18    8  59779184
          D7S1525     UT7368  19    7  51729360
          D14S132      UT563  20   14  25872150
         D21S1249     UT1025  21   16   6991420
          D2S1240     UT5146  21    2  16907604
          D8S2318 GATA115F05  21    8  26770586
          D14S780     UT6047  22   14  14519674
          D2S1280  UT5116III  22    2  14611866
            UT597          .  22   14  14613571
         D11S1905      UT832  23   11  10553732
          D12S832     UT6574  23   12  45684466
           D9S757      UT764  23    9 133552054
          D2S1276     UT7691  23    2 138195102

20040618 Thomas Wienker pointed out that there are 100 odd markers
         from the Marshfield and Decode maps that have not been included
         (many on chr 20): these have been added.  Several aliases were
         also fixed, notably IFNAR for D21S2039, Mfd92 for F8VWF, 1GF1 for
         IGF1.  A few physical map positions have been updated (D1S443,

20040511 AAC023 is bp 67951716 bp.  AGAT128 is at  62464943 bp.
         GTTT002 is at  155405903 bp.  CATA002 is at 23707416 bp.
         GATA66B04 is an alias for GATA27C12 (D19S588): removed entry
	 and added alias Scott G).

20040429 D6S502 Build 34.3 position corrected and name entered as alias for
         D6S500/GATA7B06 (Harry).

20040428 GGAAT1B07, Y-27H39, ATA10F11, GATA62F03 given Build 34.3 positions (Scott). 
         SRaP added as alias for TPO.  GATA2A12 added at 882323 bp on X.

20040421 TAT024 is on chr 3 at 52269515, TAGA049 on chr 4 at 174665378,
         and alias of D6S502 as GATA7G07 removed.  Build 34.3 positions of
         CTAT014, TTTTA002 and GATA143C02 added. 

20040416 D16S2616 represented twice: Marshfield position at 11.46 cM used.
         GATA119B03 has two positions in database: Build 34.3 and
         HSC_TCAG (The Center for Applied Genomics alternate build,
         usually only used now for chr 7): choose former as Ensemble no
         longer uses TCAG.  
         GATA129B03 represented twice: Marshfield position at 35.51 cM used.  
         GATA158H04 represented twice, also as g10693: latter removed.  

         Mfd238 is in fact D19S254, as given by the public databases
         (BLASTing primer gives 62358762 bp as location), and not
         D19S559 as given in Marshfield spreadsheet (SET13).

         GATA29B01 is D19S589 as per public database rather than D19S254 (BLAST).
         GATA23B01 is D19S586 as per public database rather than D19S589 (BLAST).
         UT7544 is D19S559 as per public database rather than D19S246 (BLAST).
         Mfd232 is D19S246 as per public database rather than D19S245 (BLAST).
         Und so weiter on chr 19 SET 11-13.

         According to Marshfield, GATA7G07 *is* D6S502 on chromosome 6,
         but an Ensemble search will instead give D8S1179 on chromosome 8.

         TAT024 is on chr 4 in the Marshfield Set 51 spreadsheet and 
         on chr 3 in the Marshfield Set 52 spreadsheet.

         TAGA049 is on chr 15 in the Marshfield Set 51 spreadsheet and 
         on chr 4 in the Marshfield Set 52 spreadsheet.

20040408 D3S2395 is localised to chr 12 at 8048872 bp, the same location
         as D12S397.  GATA43F06 is a chromosome 2 marker according to
         Marshfield, placed at 227.6 Build 32 Mbp and 231.3 Marshfield cM.
         According to most other sources, it is on chromosome 3 at 161 Mbp.
         BLASTing Marshfield primers maps to 2.

20040407 Several compound names eg MFD424-TTTA003 renamed to TTTA003
         with Mfd424 as alternate.  D2S441 is an alias for D2S1779
         (added). Several hundred additional aliases added (including
         those used by Marshfield sets), with reordering of fields in
         many records to have D name as canonical name.

20040406 Added 11p13 markers from ESE2/3 list.  Note that D11S1392 and
         D11S2008 are identical (nested).  Then refitted all
         I.cM from the current I.bp, using a smaller alpha.  This, as Andy B
         pointed out, is a nicer fit at the telomeres.

20040405 Removed further duplicate records, thanks to Scott.
         Detected ~10 likely aliases that are not known to databases
         D1S2132, D14S539  interpolated position changed manually based on
         estimate using knn algorithm excluding the Marshfield position.
         Removed D20S159 (UT1307) Build 34.3 position since this placed on
         chromosome 2 in sequence map: RH and Marshfield linkage information.
         place on 20q13.

20040401 Folded in newer Marshfield standard mapping set markers