Sib-pair Command: select pedigree|id

ClassAnalysis and data manipulation command
Nameselect pedigree | id
Arguments [[not] in] <ped1>...<pedN>.

Select pedigrees included or excluded from a list of pedigree or individual names. The names can contain wildcard characters: "." (match any character in the target at that position in the search string) and "*" (match any characters zero or more times in the target at that position in the search string).


>> include
>> select pedigree L SNW

Selected      2 pedigrees.

>> clear
>> loc
>> head

!                         S
!                         e
!Pedigree                 x
a          with       x x x
and        were       x x x
are        viewed     x x x
bottom     then       x x x
but        the        x x x
to         between    x x x
top        be         x x x
up         at         x x x

>> select id a* b*t* w*

Selected     10 pedigrees.

<< (select)Up to index>> (unselect)