Sib-pair Command: read bin

ClassData Declaration command
Nameread bin
Arguments <file name>

Reads a Sib-pair "binary" pedigree file. The "run" statement is bypassed, so this command reads in locus and pedigree data immediately. No checking is done for pedigree and Mendelian errors and reordering of pedigree members is not performed.

These can be large files, but on systems where gzip is available, can be automatically compressed (see write bin) and decompressed. The default format for the file arises from a Fortran unformatted write of the locus and pedigree arrays, and so will be compiler and platform specific:

String:21 character identifier
Arrays[1..nloci]:loc, loctyp, locpos, locnotes
Arrays[1..nloci]: group, map
Integers:nped, nobs, numloc, numcol
Integers:nped, nact, maxsiz, maxact, nobs, numloc, numcol
Arrays[1..nped]:pedigree, num, nfound, actset
Arrays[1..nobs]:iped, imztwin, id, fa, mo, sex


>> include
>> write bin wok.bin compress
Wrote  1 pedigrees, 4032 individuals
       7 variables to "wok.bin.gz" (0.03 s).
>> clear
>>  read bin wok.bin.gz
Read in  1 pedigrees, 4032 individuals
         7 variables (0.02 s)
Dataset occupies 0.476 Mb.

See also:

write bin write Sib-pair binary file
read plink read PLINK .bed file
read pedigree read Sib-pair pedigree file

<< (read hapmap)Up to index>> (read plink)