Sib-pair Command: join

ClassAnalysis and data manipulation command
Arguments <pedname1> [<pedname2>...<pednameN>]

Join or rejoin pedigrees into a single pedigree, appropriately dealing with shared individual IDs and their associated data. Note that Sib-pair allows noncontiguous pedigree blocks to use the same pedigree name, so multiple pedigrees of the same name will be collected up. The shared IDs must be appropriately placed within the pedigrees, usually as a founder in one pedigree and nonfounder in another.

If join is given without any arguments, it will print a list of shared individual IDs with the pedigree IDs for each occurrence, followed by a prompt for a list of pedigree IDs.


>> set loc a qua
>> read ped inline
>> 1 1 x x m 1
>> 1 2 x x f 2
>> 1 3 1 2 m 3
>> 2 4 1 2 m 4
>> 3 1 x x m 5
>> ;;;;
>> run
>> wri
# Pedigrees 1 and 2 can be successfully joined
>> join 1 2
>> wri
# Pedigrees 1 and 3 cannot be successfully joined
>> join 1 3
>> wri

<< (subpedigrees)Up to index>> (prune)